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Provide safe shelter for a Leprosy affected person: Rs. 2,50,000 ($3500)

Your donation of Rs. 2,50,000 will provide a safe shelter for a homeless person affected by leprosy. The home will be of 150 Sq.ft. with concrete roof, a living room, kitchen and a separate toilet.

Total Price - Rs.2,50,000.00

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Renovate a home for a Leprosy affected person: Rs. 1,00,000 ($1500)

Your donation of Rs. 1,00,000 will help to renovate a dilapidated house of a person affected by leprosy. Renovation cost covers the roof, wall, floor, painting, door & windows.

Total Price - Rs.1,00,000.00

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Support livelihood for person affected by TB / Leprosy: Rs. 50,000 ($750)

Your donation of Rs. 50,000 will help provide regular sustainable income by providing small business at their village/community or Livestock support for them at difficult times.

Total Price - Rs.50,000.00

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Support deformity surgery for person affected by Leprosy: Rs. 50,000 ($750)

Your donation of Rs. 50,000 will cover the cost of deformity correction surgery for a person affected by leprosy including medicine cost, physiotherapy, 2 months hospital stay and food.

Total Price - Rs. 50,000.00

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Sponsor higher education for children affected TB/Leprosy: Rs. 50,000 ($750)

Your donation of Rs. 50,000 will provide technical / graduation / job oriented course which will be a full / partial support for a student affected by leprosy / children of parents affected by leprosy.

Total Price - Rs. 50,000.00

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Sponsor nutrition for a poor drug resistant TB patient: Rs. 24,000 ($325)

Your donation of Rs. 24,000 will meet the cost of treatment providing nutritious diet for a drug resistant TB patient. Every month patient will receive 10 kgs of food grains, 2 kgs of lentils, 1kg cooking oil/milk/egg for 2 years.

Total Kit Price - Rs.24,000.00

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Sponsor school education for children affected TB/Leprsoy: Rs. 10,000 ($150)

Your donation of Rs. 10,000 will provide education for a poor child or children of parents affected by leprosy. This support will provide them study materials, tution fee, umbrella or bicycle to reach school.

Total Price - Rs.10,000.00

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Donate the amount of your choice to change lives of people!

Donate the amount of your choice to support the above mentioned causes and take part in changing the lives of people affected with Leprosy / TB. Your contribution and support means a lot to us!

Total Price - Rs. -