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FAQs: Leprosy

What is leprosy?

Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. It affects the skin and nerves (which carry sensation from the skin and also causes movement of muscles).

What are the signs of leprosy?

The early signs of leprosy include pale or red patches in the skin, one or more, and numbness in the hands and/ or feet. If untreated the person with the disease may develop deformity in the hands, feet or eyes due to damage to nerves.

Is Leprosy curable?

Yes, it is curable at any stage. Deformity if present at the time of diagnosis can be corrected with surgery.

Where can one get the treatment?

Treatment for leprosy is available free of cost at all Government health centers and hospitals.

What is the treatment for leprosy?

There are two types of leprosy, milder form and severe form. Milder form, called Paucibacillary leprosy, is treated with two drugs for 6 months. Severe form called Multibacillary leprosy is treated with three drugs for 12 months. Since more than one drug is used in the treatment, it is called Multi Drug Therapy (MDT).

Is it hereditary?

No. It is not hereditary.

Is it contagious?

No. It is not contagious.

Who gets the disease?

Anybody can get the disease. Majority of people in countries like India have the causative bacteria in the body. Only few get the disease.

Is leprosy a serious public health problem in India?

Every year the country reports 120000 new cases of leprosy. This constitutes almost 50% of the total cases reported globally. Leprosy would be a simple disease but for the deformity it produces in a small percentage ( less than 2%) of persons with the disease. It is estimated that in India there may be about 200000 persons living with leprosy-related deformity. They may have deformity of hands (bent fingers, loss of fingers), feet (wounds in the soles of feet because of numbness, loss of toes because of repeated injuries), and/ or eyes (inability to close the eyes, blindness).Very little is being done for them because of the difficulty in reaching these persons.

Please ask him or her to go to the nearest Government health centre.

Is deformity a common feature of leprosy?

It is not a common feature of leprosy, only a few patients develop deformities due to disease related complications. In India every year two to three percent of new leprosy patients with deformities are registered.

Why is Leprosy still considered a “curse”?

It is not possible to correct all the deformities but majority can be corrected through surgery.

Use of MCR Footwear for ulcer's and anesthetic feet for Leprosy affected person.

Lesion in Leprosy. कुष्ठ रोग में घाव।

Importance of Self Care in Leprosy. कुष्ठ रोग में स्वयं की देखभाल का महत्व।

Care for Feet in Leprosy

Self Care for Eyes in Leprosy

FAQs: Tuberculosis

What is TB – Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that is caused by bacteria. TB primarily affects the lungs, but it can also affect any other organ in the body.

Is TB a hereditary disease?

No. It is not hereditary.

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?

Cough is the main symptom especially if it lasts more than 2 weeks. Other symptoms include weight loss, fatigue, fever and loss of appetite.

How is TB diagnosed?

Tuberculosis commonly affects the lungs. The disease can therefore be diagnosed by examining the phlegm that the patient brings out with cough under microscope. Those patients who do not show the bacteria in the phlegm can be diagnosed by x ray examination of the chest or growing the bacteria in the phlegm in special media in the lab.

Is TB curable?

Tuberculosis can be cured with appropriate treatment. Treatment for tuberculosis usually combines several different antibiotic drugs that are given for at least six months, sometimes for as long as 9 months.

Where can one get the treatment?

In India treatment for TB is provided free of cost and it is available in all Government health facilities.

How is Tuberculosis treated?

All fresh cases of TB (never treated before) need treatment for six to seven months and for those who develop disease for the second time, they may need treatment for eight to nine months.

What is Directly Observed Treatment?

Medicines are given under the direct supervision of some one opted by the patient. It helps to ensure the right drugs are taken at the right time for the full duration of treatment.

What happens if a patient does not take the drugs regularly?

Irregular treatment can be very dangerous. The TB bacteria will grow again and patient remains sick for a longer time. Commonly used drugs may not kill the bacteria. Special drugs are required which have to be taken for longer period and are very expensive.

How does TB spread?

When a person suffering from lung TB coughs, sneezes or speaks the bacteria exit from the nose and mouth into the air in fine droplet spray. When a healthy person inhales the air containing the bacteria, they invade the lungs and travel to the different parts of the body. In the presence of low body resistance the bacteria multiply and produce the disease. About 40% of the population in India may be infected with the bacteria. About 2% of them may develop the disease. It is clear that not all people who are infected with the bacteria develop the disease. It is also important to know that a single untreated TB patient with lung TB can infect 10 people. By diagnosing the disease and treating it one would prevent the occurrence of the disease in others.

How serious is the problem of TB in India?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in India. Each year nearly 2,000,000 people in India develop TB, of which around 900,000 are infectious cases with a potential to spread disease to others. It is estimated that annually around 330,000 persons die due to TB..

How can anybody help in the control of TB?

Any one in the community can participate in TB control by disseminating the message on symptoms of TB, about the benefits of early detection and prompt treatment and availability of free treatment at all Government health facilities.

Have symptoms kindly Test for TB. यदि आपमें इनमें से कोई भी लक्षण हैं तो कृपया टीबी की जांच कराएं।

Diffrence Between TB and Drug-Resistant TB

FAQs: General

How do I apply for a job at Damien Foundation India Trust?

We are delighted that you are interested in helping for person affected by Leprosy and
TB. Please check our Careers page to search available opportunities.

How can I volunteer at Damien Foundation India Trust?

Volunteers for Damien Foundation India Trust. Visit our Volunteers page to submit
your bio

Who do I contact if I have a question or issue with my donation?

Please contact us at our office at info@damienfoundation.in or +91 9840142743 ,
Monday-Friday 9:30am-5:00pm