Transparency is the major key for fundraising for NGO
The aim of an NGO is to carry out its planned activity for its beneficiary and thereby achieve its vision and
mission. Programme transparency every NGO is willing to share but not all the NGOs are willing to show
case its financial transparency. The financial transparency is seen as the willingness and ability of an NGO
to provide information regarding their assets, income, and expenditure for its purpose which it exists.
An NGO should be open and truthful in its transactions with its donors, project beneficiaries, staff, membership, partner organizations, government, and the public in general, and should adhere to rules and regulation laid by Law in its jurisdiction where it is active.
Non-profit organizations are accountable to the public and its close associates such as donors / sponsors, for their ethical behaviour and statutory compliance with the set of standards provided to them. The eyes turn towards NGO’s leaders when a distrustful or unethical situation arises.
NGOs should maintain a sound financial policy which has checks and balances by having a good financial rules and regulations in place. Good internal and external audit to maintain the financial standards.
Generally, non-profits are funded by others, transparency is used to build trust of the stakeholders especially the donors. Many a time lack of transparency occurs not because the non-profits are “hiding” anything, but mostly because the non-profit doesn’t have time or knowledge to publish the relevant information which is required for which they need to plan accordingly.
The NGO’s should publish their audited programme and financial statements in its website, government NGO portal website and accredited platforms like Darpan, GuideStar etc. This will create a transparent platform for NGO and attract more donors and supporters for the NGO cause.
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